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title: Options taxonomy:

category: docs

This is a list of all the Select 2 configuration options.

| Option | Type | Default | Description | | ------ | ---- | ------- | ----------- | | adaptContainerCssClass | | | | | adaptDropdownCssClass | | | | | ajax | object | null | Provides support for ajax data sources. | | allowClear | boolean | false | Provides support for clearable selections. | | amdBase | string | ./ | See Using Select2 with AMD or CommonJS loaders. | | amdLanguageBase | string | ./i18n/ | See Using Select2 with AMD or CommonJS loaders. | | closeOnSelect | boolean | true | Controls whether the dropdown is closed after a selection is made. | | containerCss | object | null | Adds custom CSS to the container. Expects key-value pairs: { 'css-property': 'value' } | | containerCssClass | string | '' | | | data | array of objects | null | Allows rendering dropdown options from an array. | | dataAdapter | | SelectAdapter | Used to override the built-in DataAdapter. | | debug | boolean | false | Enable debugging messages in the browser console. | | dir | | | | disabled | boolean | false | When set to true, the select control will be disabled. | | dropdownAdapter | | DropdownAdapter | Used to override the built-in DropdownAdapter | | dropdownAutoWidth | boolean | false | | | dropdownCss | object | null | Adds custom CSS to the dropdown. Expects key-value pairs: { 'css-property': 'value' } | | dropdownCssClass | string | '' | | | dropdownParent | jQuery selector or DOM node | $(document.body) | Allows you to customize placement of the dropdown. | | escapeMarkup | callback | Utils.escapeMarkup | Handles automatic escaping of content rendered by custom templates. | | initSelection | callback | | See initSelection. This option was deprecated in Select2 v4.0, and will be removed in v4.1. | | language | string or object | EnglishTranslation | Specify the language used for Select2 messages. | | matcher | A callback taking search params and the data object. | | Handles custom search matching. | | maximumInputLength | integer | 0 | Maximum number of characters that may be provided for a search term. | | maximumSelectionLength | integer | 0 | The maximum number of items that may be selected in a multi-select control. If the value of this option is less than 1, the number of selected items will not be limited. | minimumInputLength | integer | 0 | Minimum number of characters required to start a search. | | minimumResultsForSearch | integer | 0 | The minimum number of results required to display the search box. | | multiple | boolean | false | This option enables multi-select (pillbox) mode. Select2 will automatically map the value of the multiple HTML attribute to this option during initialization. | | placeholder | string or object | null | Specifies the placeholder for the control. | | query | A function taking params (including a callback) | Query | This option was deprecated in Select2 v4.0, and will be removed in v4.1. | | resultsAdapter | | ResultsAdapter | Used to override the built-in ResultsAdapter. | | selectionAdapter | | SingleSelection or MultipleSelection, depending on the value of multiple. | Used to override the built-in SelectionAdapter. | | selectOnClose | boolean | false | Implements automatic selection when the dropdown is closed. | | sorter | callback | | | | tags | boolean / array of objects | false | Used to enable free text responses. | | templateResult | callback | | Customizes the way that search results are rendered. | | templateSelection | callback | | Customizes the way that selections are rendered. | | theme | string | default | Allows you to set the theme. | | tokenizer | callback | | A callback that handles automatic tokenization of free-text entry. | | tokenSeparators | array | [] | The list of characters that should be used as token separators. | | width | string | resolve | Supports customization of the container width. | | scrollAfterSelect | boolean | false | If true, resolves issue for multiselects using closeOnSelect: false that caused the list of results to scroll to the first selection after each select/unselect (see This behaviour was intentional to deal with infinite scroll UI issues (if you need this behavior, set false) but it created an issue with multiselect dropdown boxes of fixed length. This pull request adds a configurable option to toggle between these two desirable behaviours. |